
analog computer中文什么意思

发音:   用"analog computer"造句
  • 仿真(模拟)计算机
  • 仿真计算机
  • 模拟电算机
  • 模拟电子计算机
  • 模拟计算机
  • 模似计算机
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  1. The analog computer measures continuously, without proceeding step by step .
  2. For obtaining exact solution for the impulse response or step response, the preferred method is to solve the original differential equation on a digital or analog computer .
  3. This mit engineer developed the first modern analog computer to solve complex equations . it weighed 100 tons and incorporated 150 motors and some 200 miles ( about 300 km ) of wire
  4. A condition existing within or at the output of a computing element that causes a substantial computing error because of the saturation of one or more of the parts of the computing element in an analog computer


  1. a computer that represents information by variable quantities (e.g., positions or voltages)
    同义词:analogue computer



        analog computerとは意味:analog computer アナログ計算機 アナログけいさんき アナコン アナログコンピューター
        analog computer meaning: Noun: analog computer A computer that represents information by variable quantities (e.g., positions or voltages) - analogue computer  [Brit, Cdn] Derived forms: analog computers Ty...
        analog computer en francais:ordinateur analogique (machine électronique recevant des informations continues et les modifiant pour produire un document continu)
        analog computer artinya:komputer analog
        analog computer 뜻:phrase, 아날로그 계산기, 상사형 전자 계산기 x, 아나로그계산기, 상사형계산기
        analog computer перевод:1) аналоговая вычислительная машина


  1. analog compiler 什么意思
  2. analog compiler system 什么意思
  3. analog component video 什么意思
  4. analog composite video 什么意思
  5. analog computation 什么意思
  6. analog computer component 什么意思
  7. analog computer investigation 什么意思
  8. analog computer method 什么意思
  9. analog computer subsystem 什么意思
  10. analog computer synthesis 什么意思


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